It's super simple! The price you see in the Shipt app is the price you pay.
Shipt prices will vary slightly from store shelf prices to help cover the costs of picking, packing, and processing. For example, a loaf of Wonderbread costs $2.29 in the store and $2.59 to have it delivered to your door with Shipt.
Our members can expect to pay about $5 more using Shipt than they would on a $35 order purchased in the store themselves.
Shipt members will get unlimited delivery on all orders over $35!* If you do not have a Shipt membership, a delivery fee will be added at checkout to help cover the costs of shopping and delivery. *Note: Deliveries under $35 with a Shipt membership will incur a $7 fee and applicable service fees per order. One-time deliveries will incur both a service fee and a delivery fee, shown at checkout. All orders with alcohol (where available) may incur a $7 alcohol fee.
Shoppers with Shipt have total control over when they’d like to work, as well as which parts of their area they’d like to shop. Shipt Shoppers set their own schedules according to their busy lives! They shop for and deliver groceries to Shipt's members within a requested time frame. Scheduling, accepting orders, and shopping orders are all done through the Shipt Shopper app.
You can contact our support team via Live Chat on our webpage. You can also email us at, or call us at (205) 502-2500.
We also offer the option to contact us via the Shipt app!
To contact us via the Shipt app:
Tap the account icon.
Select Help shown underneath your account information. A tab in your browser will be opened.
Scroll down on the new tab and tap Contact us under "Need immediate assistance?."
Tap the purple and white message icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, select Start conversation, enter the requested information, then Submit.
Si desea asistencia en español, solo menciónelo una vez que se conecte con nosotros. Español está disponible de 7 am a 8 pm tiempo Centro.