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When will I hear from my shopper?

Your shopper will text you when they arrive at the store, and you'll receive an app notification when your shopper begins shopping. Your phone number will be masked so your shopper never sees your personal contact info and vice versa. If you need assistance before your shopper starts shopping, or haven't heard from them yet, please contact our support team via Live Chat or give us a call at (205) 502-2500.

Your phone must be a mobile device, not a landline, and have the ability to receive images in order for you to receive text messages from Shipt. Keep in mind that if you reply “STOP” to text messages sent by Shipt, you’ll be unsubscribed from our messaging service and unable to receive messages from your shopper. If you believe you’ve unsubscribed and would like to resubscribe, please contact our support team. 

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